Sunday 26 February 2012

Girls Time

Hongkong Cafe was the latest destination for our monthly meet up. This cafe awesomely cool in interior architecture! Our eyes wowed with the cuteness and coolness painting wall in every single side of the place. Trust me you'll really want to stay all day long there hahahaa I also couldn't help myself to take pictures. Seriously, it's addictive!! How can I just let the moment with the girls? lol and about food? are you asking about the food? it's reachable! for me, it's hard to decide which menu that you'll order because all the foods were soooo yummy..

Hongkong Cafe

Painting wall

They said, these macarons were made by their pastry cafe :)

Here are the moments with the girls..

What were they doing btw? -.-" haha

chika, ayya, lia

I love this sweet moment of Mutia and Rani :*


The luckiest girl today!

Okay.. okay.. I know, there's almost none photo of mine loooooooooooooooool I've told you already right?! I damn totally in love of taking pictures ;p then here I am with pute..

You may find more photos at Phute's blog --> here

Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend with lovely people around you :)

Quote of the day:
"Make your greatest effort in every single step of you life" - Mia Utami Putri

Saturday 25 February 2012

Off Class

Finally, the schedule for this semester is fix !
I get a day off in the middle of the week.. woooo hoooooo !!!!!
It's Wednesday :)
And this Wednesday I used the off class day with my partner in crime, haahaa
I think you all already know this girl, no one else, the one who always appear in almost all my posts 
--> phute ;p 

We went to some places and the one that I really like the most was went to phute's campus to get her proposal back after her lecturer reviewed it and alhamdulillah the proposal for her thesis has accepted ! Congratulation my girl, wait for my progress ;p

This photo is a bonus ;p
note: semangat skripsinya te ! semoga kita lulus sesegera mungkin hahaha


Mia Utami Putri :*

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Kuningan Village (Part 2)

Sebenernya ini udah lumayan lama, tapi baru bisa posting sekarang hehehee
yaaaa.. untuk kedua kalinya aku dateng ke Kuningan Village..
whatta cozy place !
Alhamdulillah untuk yang kedua kalinya ini hari lagi cerah jadi bisa nyobain spot yang outdoornya.
Tanaman dimana-mana dan rimbuun banget..

Me - Vyna

Umi - Vyna

Setelah makan siang disana, sorenya kita ketemuan deh sama Pute..

FYI ya, sekarang nih aku lagi suka banget ngambil snapshoot-an orang... sebenernya siapapun loooh.. soalnya itu kegiatan yang ADIKTIF BANGET !! *muka serius*
Naah ini nih korban-korbannya hahahaha

Kalo yang di bawah ini ga usah ditanya ya, berapa sering dia aku ambil foto snapsootnya ! hahahaha
Ditunggu aja yang selanjutnya masih banyaaaak banget!
Kalo dia foto cantik? udah biasaaaaaa.. kalo yang jelekkan susah dapetnya..
orang udah dicari angle yang jelek aja susah ga dapet-dapet hahaha
Anyone aggree?? ;p

Kalo yang ini pute yang ambil, dan aku suka banget hasilnya ;p
Disini bisa diliat kan ya, siapa yang makannnya paling banyak hahahahaa

"Everyone needs friend to share tears, smiles, and laughs. Love your friends." - Mia Utami Putri

Mia Utami Putri